Sunday, November 30, 2008

11/20 - Mom & Dad's Update


Doctors were very busy today with Courtney all of which is good news..first one of the chest tubes was removed from Courtney's left lung and x-rays several hours later showed the lung remained inflated. Her lungs have suffered a massive shock and the quicker they can recover the better the news.

The pressure in Courtney's brain continues to fall and is close to a normal range so hopefully they will remove a special pressure drain tube tomorrow. This is good news because we need to have the pressure as normal as possible to keep any disruption to her brain at a minimum.

Tomorrow the Dr's are going to giver her a tracheostomy. This procedure will allow the ventilator to be connected without her needing a tube in her mouth. This will preserve the vocal chords and lesson the number of infection ports.

The plan for sometime next week is for a special feeding tube(called a PEG) to be inserted into her stomach as long as she continues to improve.

Please continue to pray for Courtney and her recovery. We are grateful beyond words for all of the support that she is receiving.


Craig & Diane

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