Saturday, February 14, 2009

Going Home Day and First Night

Courtney started the day off celebrating her departure from Braintree eating cake with the staff. It was a beautiful cake and delicious. Everyone was crying, except Courtney! She said "good bye 204 B FOREVER!" and "I will never be a patient again!"

We made the 1 1/2 hour drive quite easily and Courtney remembered cities, towns, people and many random facts along the way. At home she had lunch and then a nap. After the nap Courtney watched TV and relaxed for the rest of the day.

It was a joyous day as Craig said better than any birthday, any Christmas, any holiday anyone ever had. Courtney made the decision not to have a delayed Christmas. Instead she opted to give (the only gifts we bought last year) Katy and Claudia their Christmas presents last night. We bought them together at Marshalls on employee day and Courtney had picked them all out. The girls were thrilled with everything Courtney had selected for them and Courtney was thrilled to give those gifts along with the stuffed Lobster and Elephant from Build A Bear.

Throughout the past 1 1/2 days Courtney has said 'thank you so much' to everyone. ALL the staff, Doctors, nurses, aids, secretaries, housekeeping all received a very sincere 'thank you so much' from Courtney. It was heartfelt. She has thanked Craig and I dozens of times for praying for her and 'for everything.' When Courtney was still in TICU I started praying that God would give her a grateful heart. That she would never be angry or bitter about the accident. I could never have imagined the gift of having Courtney's heart SO filled with gratefulness, love, happiness, peace and joy. I could never have imagined that so early on she would recognize that "God made me better."
As awful as the terrible days were (and I could never have imagined how awful they were before they happened) - these past 2 weeks have been far more joyous. And I could never have imagined the joy, happiness and gratitude that would fill our hearts. We are so grateful and so overwhelmed by joy.
Thank you to the countless people who supported and prayed for us all along the way.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Busy Final Day

Courtney's last day of therapy at Braintree was packed with work including OT with the robotic arm, PT during which Courtney made huge gains on the balance test jumping 13 points and group therapies for hand and speech. The day of therapy ended with a group trip to the mall. Most of the patients went into the pet store but Courtney was interested in the Build A Bear store next door (of course!). Courtney quickly selected a stuffed lobster for Katy and an elephant for Courtney then she selected shoes for each of them! Nothing for herself.
Then onto the food court to Planet Smoothie and she grabbed a slice of veggie pizza for dinner.

Upon arriving back we packed Courtney's belongings - enough to fill a car! She has not even seen the enormous box of cards we brought home a month ago or the huge box of Christmas cards but she is anxious to read them all. Courtney had many tearful good byes with people that work the night shift (they did the crying!). One after another they told her how they would miss her and how amazingly she'd done.

Tomorrow is going home day and Craig and I will arrive early for breakfast, getting Courtney ready. Then we will have cake and coffee with the staff to celebrate. Courtney has selected a white cake with raspberry filling and white frosting decorated with white chocolate sea shells. The cake is from Konditor Meister (a name that makes her laugh each time I say it).

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mom's Post Continued

When Courtney was typing her post she stopped herself before typing "pray for me" and said "no, I'm better." I told her it was okay to ask for prayers. Courtney asked me to pray to God with her. We prayed for the patient she saw coming in today. We said the Our Father and Hail Mary. Then Courtney said "I prayed. Dear God, I pray with my whole heart that you help the person. Hello, it's Courtney" What a beautiful prayer.

Mom's Post

Courtney's days are packed with lots of therapy as she is also participating in group therapies. She is doing current events group, disarthria group (to help her speak louder), thinking skills group, hand group, and constraint induced movement group (that focuses on using the left arm).
Today Courtney met with Dr. Brown and a representative from the company that manufactures the pump holding the Baclofin. Of course Dr. Brown was thrilled with Courtney's progress and how much better her left ankle, right leg and even left elbow and wrist are doing. Courtney is already wondering when the pump will come out. Hopefully after a few months the Baclofin can be discontinued completely and sometime thereafter, when Doctors are certain she doesn't need it, the pump will be removed.
There's just one more day of therapy left and Courtney will be heading home. When someone asked me this morning "what time are you leaving Friday?" Courtney answered before I had a chance "in the morning!" She is very anxious. Courtney plans to sit on the couch with Daddy and watch TV (she said "I don't care" when asked what they will watch) and of course have lunch. The weekend menu has already been planned.
As you can see from the posting by Courtney she was very upset to see a new patient being brought to the hospital. She has thought about little else since then and cries about it. She told me about it immediately after and said "I'll pray to God. You pray too. I'll call Daddy, and Katy and Claudia and tell them." Courtney has always been a caring person who truly feels other people's pain. The accident has not changed that and she is obviously aware of much more than she can express.

Courtney's Post

I am praying for (a patient that was with an) EMT that passed me..(please pray for them too) and pray for me. thank you for praying for them.

i am at home on friday.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Mom's Update

One of the assessment tools is the GOAT - Galveston Orientation Assessment. I mentioned that Courtney went from getting a score of 15/100 to a score of 90/100. Apparently when a patient gets a passing score on the GOAT three days in a row they are considered post-confusional.
Courtney got her 3rd passing score today on the GOAT. That means that she went from the minimally conscious state into the confusional state and passed into post-confusional in just over 2 weeks. It is completely 'unheard of' according to everyone here. They are completely stunned and thrilled. Of course this means that Courtney is truly ready to move on to the next phase of her recovery and so her discharge date has been moved up - one week - to this Friday!!!!
Friday the 13th! Courtney will be going home 8 weeks after arriving here at Braintree hospital and just 1 day shy of the 3 month mark following her accident.

We believe that the prayers and support Courtney has received during these past months have brought this miraculous recovery. God has blessed us beyond measure with wonderful family, friends, doctors, nurses and many other caretakers.

Although we are ecstatic about Courtney's homecoming we know that she still has a way to go before she her recovery is complete. We will continue to update you via this blog and Courtney will provide her own updates in the coming days and weeks. In the meantime we are SO SO grateful to God and all of you!!!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Mom's Update

A few things I forgot from previous days:
Yesterday during Courtney's outing to Friday's a brawl broke out! Mid-day, a family restaurant - apprently excitement follows the Hollingworth's everywhere.
Courtney has told me "Mommy every day I wake up for you."

Courtney was very pleased to hear that both Fr. Kenney and Fr Ron mentioned her at church and that so many people are following her progress and praying for her. When prompted Courtney quickly remembered how to finish the prayer-ending they spoke daily at LaSalle. She is hearing each and every day how amazing her recovery is and what a miracle she is. It has provided some insight for her into how far she has come.

Today Courtney and I went to Target. It's a big store and while we didn't walk the whole store we covered enough ground to wear Courtney out. She had alot of visitors today and a wonderful dinner from Panera including some favorites.

Tomorrow begins a busy week of therapy and work for Courtney as she continues to improve her memory and cognitive skills. In the meantime Courtney is changing the day and date on the white board and crossing off the days on the calendar until she goes home. We are saying daily prayers of thanks for every WOW moment - and there have been lots of them.