Friday, February 6, 2009

Mom's Update

It's been an incredible week of rejoicing as we listen to Courtney remember so many many things, places, people and random facts! The best part about this week is the incredible number of times Courtney has looked at us and said "I love you Mommy" or "I love you Daddy." Then she'll ask "Does Daddy know how much I love him?" Oh yes, Courtney and you can't imagine how much we love you.
Our joy is immeasurable at seeing Courtney's recovery surpass levels that Doctors expected. Each area that they warned us would be problematic has turned out not to be so. Today we learned that Courtney's hearing is perfect! Perfect!!! after the ear bone was broken causing nerve damage. Memory, speech, concentration, walking, talking and most importantly personality are all recovering. At this point Courtney needs to still has lots of work on speech, memory, concentration, balance and coordination. Over the coming months Courtney will work on all of those things and relearning (in fast forward)everything she's learned over the 12+ years of school.
Courtney had her feeding tube removed today!!!! Yeah - the last tube. The only foreign object left now is the baclofin pump and that will remain in place for sometime. Tomorrow and Sunday both bring field trips for Courtney. We will (maybe) do some shopping and definitely lunch again. Saturday is TGI Fridays. Sunday is TBD.


Anonymous said...

God is good.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your weekend field trips. A return to normalcy is exactly what you need. Good going on the eating Courtney! Praying for continued progress and grace.

the Spazianos

Anonymous said...

God loves Courtney and her family.

Anonymous said...
