Saturday, February 21, 2009

Mom's Update

Our first glorious week at home has been extremely busy which is why I haven't posted as often. Between unpacking 3 months of living at hospitals, working around the refinishing of the basement and getting Courtney settled in the week has flown by.
Each day has been an amazing gift of gratitude and joy. Courtney is full of gratitude for all the prayers she has received and continues to be appreciative of the simple joys in life.
We've had many visitors throughout the week as well as getting out of the house so that Courtney could do some shopping.
Nursing, physical, and occupational therapy have all been here to assess Courtney and begin in-home therapy. Courtney did so well with physical therapy that it was determined she is to high level for this service! As she told her friends "the physical therapist said she never wants to see me again!"
Each night Courtney reads to me to improve her speech and she's doing great. One of her favorites is a joke book that her friend Catherine gave to her. Often she's laughing hysterically before she gets to the punch line. Courtney continues to improve the flexibility in her elbow and wrist on her own - in just a week she's made remarkeable progress.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Our Deepest Fear

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

by Marianne Williamson

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Parting words from UB

On Sunday, three months to the day of Courtney's horrific accident, I drove down to my sister's house to visit. For the first time in more than three months, Courtney said "Hi" to me. Her greeting was music for the soul!

The night of the accident when Uncle Kevin called me, I didn't know if Courtney would be alive when I arrived at the hospital. Too often we hear and read of young people dying in car accidents. Recently, three young men died on Elmwood Avenue in Cranston, a mere 100 yards or so from my place of employment. (one of the survivors, a young lady, has been mentioned in the comments section of this blog by her teacher).

As I have tried to stress to Beth's kids a number of times - especially John who is driving now - many young people think that bad things happen to other people. Intellectually, they know its' possible they could get hurt and/or die but psychologically they think otherwise. It's part of being young. As adults, we know it's our job to remind "our" children that these things can, in fact, happen to them.

Recently, there have been numerous car break-ins in my neighborhood. I witnessed one from a few hundred yards away the other night but I couldn't catch up with the two thieves with my truck. After speaking to a young policeman from the site of the break-in he thanked me for calling. I responded by saying, no, "thank YOU". He's the one putting his life on the line everyday.

I had that same feeling after Courtney thanked me for visiting. Thank me?? NO! Thank you, Courtney. Thank you for being so brave in such a frightening situation. Thank you for being strong willed and determined in the face of your monumental struggle. Thank you for never giving up. Thank you for setting such an inspiring example for all of us who have been so deeply touched by your awesome spirit. Thank you for coming back to us.

It's my belief that we have all been given a gift of these past three months and there's more to come. In my eyes, the gift isn't limited to Courtney's recovery alone. The gift includes the remarkable human circle of support and love extended by so many people who never even knew Courtney before her accident and so many of our friends and extended family. Many of those stories have been recorded on this blog. Countless others have not. The fact is, we'll never know the full extent of love and prayers directed toward Courtney and her family (and my family). In a sense, the phenomenon is similar to the one depicted in the movie, Pay it Forward. (watch it if you haven't)

Finally, (I'm imagining a huge sigh of relief) though I'd like to keep writing into the summer in order to harass those Yankee fans, Craig and Ed, I'm going to bow out so the star of the show can keep us informed on how she's doing. On behalf of all my siblings who didn't write, thank you so much for loving and caring for Courtney, Katy, Claudia, Craig and Diane.

Long overdue blog

Obviously the past 4 days have been very hectic. Sunday morning we woke up early enough to eat breakfast and go to church in Cranston at Immaculate Conception (our old parish). Courtney insisted that we go to church there so that she could thank Fr. Ron and/or Fr. Kenney for praying for her. The parish community has been very supportive of Courtney and our family. We are so indebted to them and so many others for their prayers.

Courtney sang for the first time during mass and remembered most of the prayers proving once again that her memory is working well! She was pleased to thank so many people for their prayers and also let Fr. Kenney know that there are new patients at Braintree that need prayers.

Monday was busy with trying to begin working through 3 months of living out of hospitals, trunks and Uncle Kevin's. There was SO SO SO much to sift through! The work continued throughout the day but Courtney did not miss out on therapy. Each day Courtney walks, works with play dough for her left hand, reads out loud for speech and generally pushes herself a little bit further each day. Today Courtney made rice krispee treats mixing and reaching with her left hand. We play with the WII balance but it is taking some getting used to and Mom is NOT coordinated enough to be a good example!

Courtney has been touched by the gifts and cards that have come to welcome her home. Most important of all is the fact that Katy and Claudia found Courtney's cell phone! Glory Alleluia! Courtney immediately started texting and calling friends and so the cell phone has been buzzing ever since!!!!

In the days ahead Courtney will have in home therapy through Care New England VNA. She will visit Sargent to check it out next week. We will have Courtney's violin tuned so that she can play it (also good therapy in many ways)!

We will be having many celebrations in the weeks and months ahead including a Mass of Thanksgiving for Courtney's healing. Information will be posted and we know that many will come to join us in thanking God for this miracle.

Courtney will post tomorrow morning with more info on her days at home so far and the days ahead.