Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Mom's Update

Courtney had a very busy day up until about 2:30. She started the day wide awake - as I was sitting in the chair by her bed I happened to open my eyes and look over only to see her staring at me. It was a beautiful sight.

She was awake the majority of the morning and early afternoon. Courtney watched several episodes of Jon&Kate Plus 8 - I mean really watched them!

She also watched EVERYTHING that was going on in her room and in the hallway.

Courtney didn't just watch the nurses - she watched what they were doing - inserting IVs - taking blood - moving this tube, that tube ,etc.

It was very exciting for all of us to see her so alert.

Courtney sat in the chair for several hours - had PT and OT and was in the standing lift for a very brief moment until disaster struck with an IV that ended her standing time abruptly.

She slept peacefully for the rest of the afternoon but was awake to see some of her Uncles, watch a bit of the Grinch with her Dad. Then Daddy soothed her and rocked her to sleep.

All in all a good day as good days go in the TICU. Courtney's antibiotics for the pneumonia will be administered in her feeding tube which means no invasive pic lines or central lines needed. That's very good.

Of course of Murphy's Law would have it the case worker spoke with Braintree this morning and they did not have a bed for Courtney. She did tell us that things change every day and she would be calling them first thing tomorrow morning to see if they could accept Courtney. We are praying for an empty bed at rehab - after all it means someone else is better and can go home AND Courtney can move on.

We hope and pray that Courtney continues to successfully fight this pneumonia and is able to take full advantage of therapy very soon at Braintree.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Diane and Craig,
John and I wanted to tell you that we are praying for your family and for Courtney. We are so amazed at your strength and courage. May God bless you and keep your family safe, happy. healthy and close to His heart always.
Yours in faith,
Betzi Maroni-Lavallee
John Lavallee