Sunday, April 19, 2009

For the past few weeks, I've been going to St. Joes, and Elite. At the gym,the other day I ran on the treadmill and my Mom and I were so proud. Yesterday, I rode my bike for the first time. It was so exciting, and my Dad got it on video. On Easter Sunday, the mass was beautiful. Lately, I do basically everything on my own. I make my bed, all personal needs, I do the dishes, and laundry. I almost do everything I used to do. The walkathon, I think everyone who can go, should go and do it. A lot of people tell me that I look, and sound like "the old Courtney". I am pretty proud of myself, and where I came from after everything that happened to me.


Anonymous said...

We are proud of you too !!
Keep up the great work Courtney,
you inspire us all.
Looking forward to joining you for
the Walk Festival on the 3rd.
It will be fun....
Love- Aunte Moe and Uncle Fran

Claudia said...

love you Courtney!!


Anonymous said...

It is great to see your photo, Courtney, and you look wonderful !!
Our prayers are still with you and we congratulate you on the hard work that has brought you back to everyone.

The Pitmans

Anonymous said...

You have every reason to be very proud of yourself! You are amazing!

Judy Bohn

Anonymous said...

x's and o's are on their way. :D