Thursday, February 5, 2009

Mom's Update

Courtney had great days both yesterday and today. She has figured out the times that Craig and I come to stay with her. Courtney reminds me often throughout the day that she is expecting me by 8am! This morning Courtney told me that if I wasn't here by 8:04 she would "freak out." I assured that she would be fine if I didn't arrive at exactly 8am.
We've been talking alot about friends and family and when they would be visiting. Courtney did great on the treadmill both days walking more than 1000 feet at a good pace. She also did very well with OT and used the Robotic arm computer game. This piece of equipment allows Courtney to stretch her left wrist and elbow while playing video games.
Among many other amazing things Courtney has remembered in the past 24 hours was phone numbers of friends from high school! She also talked to friends and family on the phone alot in the past 2 days. One of the most memorable conversations were with Uncle Kevin, Kristen and Cory who were all brought to tears hearing Courtney's voice.
Courtney had a field trip out of the hospital today that she will tell everyone about. When she got into my car Courtney said "I love this car!" I asked Courtney "have a new found appreciation for life don't you?" and she answered seriously "yes."
Courtney made the largest score improvements on one of the coma recovery tests today. the GOAT is administered every few days. Three days ago Courtney scored 15/100 - today she scored 90/100! HUGE HUGE!!!! The largest score improvement anyone here has ever seen.


Anonymous said...

Just fantastic !!!! Les and I rejoice with all of you!

Anonymous said...
