Friday, January 23, 2009

Mom's Update

Today was a ride on the Courtney coaster. The day started on a funny note with Courtney making typical funny Courtney faces and showing typical Courtney impatience with certain adults. It was so true Courtney it made me laugh until she smiled along.
Courtney is starting to remember important things like the day, date, year, etc. Therapists use a box of commonly used items and ask Courtney to name them. For a 19 year old girl, a pipe and hammer are not exactly commonly used items. I suggested that we try things Courtney is more familiar with. I pulled out my makeup bag and Courtney went on to name :
makeup case; lipgloss; mascara (not an easy word to say). Then I showed Courtney my phone and asked what it was. Courtney said "work phone" - 100% correct not just any cell phone but my work cell phone. I asked Courtney to tell the speech therapist what kind of cell phone she has -"blackberry"she said - right again!
Courtney's voice is getting stronger and louder. Unfortunately we are not skipping the agitated phase when people use inappropriate language and physical aggression. I can't write what Courtney said but rest assured that she said it with much conviction and sent along the universal sign for a have a nice day!
While I make jokes about this it is truly upsetting to see Courtney act so out of character. While Jillian and Cary were visiting today Courtney had one of those upsetting moments. Her friends acted admirably in staying as calm as possible in a very emotional moment. Courtney would be very proud of them. The rest of the visit was calm and quiet. We are hopeful that this unpleasant phase of waking up ends quickly!
We ended the day on a high note with many warm and gentle hugs and Courtney enjoying 2 rocketpop popsicles. After having the 1st popsicle I told Courtney to use her voice so I could make sure that none of it went into her lungs. She said "like, I want another one?" Okay I said, but just 1 more. Courtney said "or 2?" No I said "1 more and that's it." She savored both popsicles. After 9 weeks of tubes and scopes and more tubes and trach tubes in her throat drinking cold water, cold apple juice and finally frozen pops is a truly enjoyable experience for Courtney. It's wonderful to see her enjoy something and as she does -she nods her head 'yes', 'yes', 'yes' ...that's sooo gooood!!!! We love you Courtney - it's good to see you coming back to us!


allen smith said...

I am just catching up on this weeks progress since it has been a very busy week and I didn't get a chance to read every day. You miss a day of Courtney's progress and you miss so much. It is great to hear that Courtney is making such huge leaps ahead in her development. I am sure its difficult seeing the side of Courtney that is not part of her personailty but to know that she is talking and answering questions and that her brain is processing so much to be able to look at a item , figure out what it is, select the right word for it and have her body do all the things it needs to to say the word is incredible. I have no doubt that she will work though some of those issues that are not really part of her pesonality once things get easier and easier for her and she has less frustrations.

Courtney keep up the good work. Diane and Craig you are both doign a amazing job. You are in my prayers daily.

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