Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Mom's Update

Courtney's surgery was a success today. It did not begin until 12:30 due to an emergency surgery at the original timeslot.

Courtney did well throughout the surgery and recovering from anesthesia. She is relatively comfortable tonight with her pain being well managed.

She is restless despite the surgery but that's still a good sign. One of the signs of the confusional state is aggressive behavoir and Courtney started to exhibit that today - squeezing our faces and reaching out to push people away. It's funny until she gets a hold of a good chunk of hair like she did with Craig and yanks it out!!!

The plan is for Courtney to be transferred back to Braintree tomorrow which will be a huge relief for all of us as they have a full understanding of the needs of someone with a brain injury like Courtney's.

We don't often write about being thankful to God - not as often as we should - but we all pray every day thanking God for Courtney's recovery so far. Particularly remarkeable since Christmas day. Today is a day that I would like for the heavens to hear our prayers of thanks for this successful surgery and all God's blessings on Courtney thus far just as loudly as the heavens have heard all of our requests!!!
Thank you so much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great news about the surgery going well! As we all continue to pray to God for Courtney's continued recovery,we sometimes forget to thank Him for answering our prayers. I am still wearing the bracelet that simply states, "Thank you God, I am grateful" as a reminder to thank Him everyday for hearing our prayers for Courtney and also your family.
